Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition that affects at least 1 in 10 women. So many women have it, and it can look very different depending on the woman. It can affect weight, skin, hair, energy, periods, and fertility, and all of these things affect mood and quality of life. As someone who struggles with PCOS and endometriosis, I am no stranger to how frustrating conditions like these can be. While PCOS may not be a very well understood condition, it doesn’t mean we don’t have options. A key part of treatment is getting accurately diagnosed, and treating the symptoms and systems that are most prominent for that woman.
For example, thyroid issues are extremely common in women with PCOS, and if you’re one of them, treating PCOS alone is only going to get you half way. Or if your gut microbiome is a major contributor to inflammation and nutrient deficiencies. PCOS can involve so many systems, so treating the right ones for you is going to get you the best results!